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al intentar crear el mpg, se me keda colgado en la primera transicion

Iniciado por , 03 de Diciembre de 2004, 18:11:00

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Hola amigos soy nuevo en esto de la edicion y estoy haciendo mis primeros pinitos, y acabo de sufrir mi primer desengaño amoroso entre la maquina y yo, como mi anunciado cita, he editado un video con fragmentos a los cuale he aplicado una transicion suave de fundido y es en la primera cuando la renderizacion se me para, lo he dejado como 4 horas a ver si tiraba y nada.
Si alguin puede ayudarrme en un lenguaje sencillo y coloquial prometo brindarle mi primer oscar como realizador.
Ah mi version es la 9 de pinnacle studio.
Gracias chatos


Actualiza la versión que tienes del Studio. Eso se hace instalando el último parche. Mira en este hilo:
Un camino de mil kilómetros comienza con un solo paso.

Hmmm, yo me imagino que Studio exportaba ya antes de actualizarlo, si no, no podría estar en el mercado. Amos digo yo!!

¿No será que tu sistema tiene instalados 400 codecs mpeg?


Claro, claro, si renderizar renderizaba desde un principio; otra cosa es que renderize bien  ;D

Le decía que actualizara porque uno de los parches solucionaba el problema de los cuelges en la renderización.

A ver si veis dónde lo pone !!  ;D

Cita de: "maikel"Aquí teneis el historial de los parches publicados con los bugs que solucionaban y las mejoras incorporadas en cada uno de ellos:

CitarThe history of fixes in ALL previous Studio 9 patches is listed below. All of the fixes below are also incorporated into the latest version of Studio 9.

Fixed in 9.3.5 from 9.3.0
Significant improvement in ChromaKeyer quality
DV camcorders are now initialized properly on French systems.
Can no longer trim multiple-selected clips (this caused clips to disappear)
Improved performance with cutting and pasting clips and transitions together.
DC10+ Custom settings are properly retained after selecting SECAM
DC10+ Capture settings and preset options are now displayed properly
Slow-mo effects on the overlay track are now rendered properly
Undoing changes to motion menus now works correctly
Trimming clips on the primary video track now updates linked clips correctly
Improved preview of Smartmovies
Improved DV editing performance
No longer creates DVD layer break in single-layer projects
Setting a chapter link in the same clip to multiple menus in Storyboard mode works properly
After undo of SmartMovie, "Create SmartMovie" button is no longer disabled
Preview for generic YUV capture devices now works properly
HFX transitions are properly installed locked/unlocked as applicable; previously installed HFX transitions are properly accessible in the album and in saved projects
Applying a time effect to a clip now works properly for all effect settings
Supports Dual layer DVD image creation even if the system does not have a Dual Layer burner
Several Operation failed errors with transitions, trimming and clip insertion addressed
"J? and "L? cuts and transitions are now handled correctly
Performance improvement in insertions of large number of clips from the tape album
UI clean up for audio and video tool boxes
Performance enhancements in menu, graphic and title display in the album
Performance enhancement in timeline playback of the project
Can now copy selected clips if first clip in selection is a Fade In/Out transition
Split clip in Storyboard and Text view now updates correctly
Can now export project using smart sound or CD audio
Fade transition is now applied correctly on audio
HFX filter now applies correctly

Features and Fixes in 9.3.0 from 9.1.2
New Features

Surround sound is now ProLogic II compatible, with separate Right and Left rear channels
Surround sound can now be previewed using the PC soundboards surround outputs
Supports dual-layer DVD-9 burners and media
Supports new version of SmartSound (QuickTracks 3) with , purchase and download of individual songs
When patching versions other than Studio Plus, Studio Plus features may be used in locked (watermarked) mode and may be unlocked via on-line purchase. For Studio Plus owners, the Studio Plus features will, of course, still be unlocked and available
Second Video Track
Picture in Picture
Chroma Key
Pan and Zoom for still images
Dolby Digital 2 channel audio output
Supports the advanced codec pack, available for on-line purchase
Dolby Digital 2 channel audio output
Dolby Digital 5.1 channel audio output
MPEG 4 output
MP3 output
Capture Improvements and Enhancements

Studio Deluxe and Studio AV/DV can now capture 16x9 capture source
Capture problems with PCTV Stereo resolved
Scene detection now works properly for long MJPEG captures

Edit Mode Improvements and Enhancements

Intermittent crashes with some wipe transitions have been solved
HFX Pro can now use mpeg files for host video
Performance improvements with complex projects and large number of still images
Title and Menu album drop down list is now maintained correctly

Make Movie Improvements and Enhancements

Several causes of rendering hangs have been solved
Several causes of failure to compile have been solved
MPEG encoder improvements
Solved AV Sync problem that could occur when editing transitions between stills and video clips
HFX rendering switches from hardware acceleration to software rendering when card-specific problems are detected
Rendering cropped DC10 files to mpeg no longer causes scaling artifacts
DVD-9 Dual layer drive support
Improvements made to DVD capacity estimation
Improvements made to AVI file size estimation
DVD burning speed is now properly using the value specified in Setup / Make Disc
Fixed problem with multi-page VCD menus
Highlights on DVD submenus now work correctly
Resolved problems with audio and video dropouts with some projects

Fixed in Studio 9.1.2 from 9.1.0

Access to complete range of Studio Premium plug-ins/content (HFX, DVD Menus, Sound FX, Video & Audio Filters, more)
Improved capture support for TV tuners & other generic WDM devices
Improved MicroMV support
Improved Edit performance
No longer creates DVD title with more than 99 chapters
Trimming fade at the start of the timeline no longer causes fade to move to next clip
Fixed HFX ChromaKeyer
Fixed settings for fractal fire effect
Image album displays folders
Fixed problems with trimming while wave forms being drawn
Fixed several Operation Failed issues
CD Audio shows proper track duration
Audio trim tool displays correct waveform
Can paste at the very end of a project
Improved memory management
Improved MPEG2 A/V sync
Fixed some DVD playback issues
Fixed problems with audio volume levels changing unexpectedly
Fixed problems with no audio on DVD
Fixed crackling when panning audio
Fixed failed to burn CD issues with short JPEGs
Fixed problem with duration of Roll or Crawl tiles changing unexpectedly
Fixed duplicate frame after transition
Studio VCDs play in MediaPlayer
Resolved problem with MovieBox USB driver and WAV file playback in MediaPlayer
Premium content unlock buttons in album are not displayed once content has been unlocked

Fixed in Studio 9.1.0 from 9.0.8

Studio displays properly at non 4 x 3 screen resolutions
Pasting clips from multiple tracks is fixed
Improved accuracy of DVD size estimation
Solved problems with rendering half frame rate file to DV for Make Tape
Multimedia and Internet MPEG renders create a video file
Solved some failed to compile disc problems
Solved some MPEG AV sync issues
Fixed auto-eject after burning disc
Fixed audio drop outs on SVCD

Fixed in 9.0.8 from 9.0.4

Could not put transitions adjacent to menus
Audio Tool sound meters would sometimes be pegged to maximum level
DVD Next and Previous buttons would not always work
Could not always change duration in Background Music tool
Intermittent Fail To Compile error when making VCD project
General stability has been greatly improved, especially during background rendering
Many problems with burned DVDs fixed, including video stuttering, audio dropouts and audio-video synchronization
Disc-burning capabilities have been improved for certain models of Pioneer and Sony disc burners
Adding, deleting or moving buttons in a menu (using Titler) no longer causes existing links to be reassigned
MPEG-2 files that are captured at DVD quality are no longer re-rendered for output to DVD
When rendering a clip with a title overlay to MPEG-1 or 2, Studio no longer creates a duplicate video frame at end of title.
custom profiles for rendering Windows Media files are updated to Windows Media 9
volume meters in Volume Tool show proper levels when Studio is first launched, and after a clip has been deleted.
Importing certain MP3 files no longer causes Studio to hang
Audio cross-fades (during a video transition) are rendered at correct volume levels
Studio no longer crashes or hangs occasionally when you add an effect during background rendering, or when you close Toolbox
Certain video and audio effects (old film and audio noise reduction) work properly when applied to clips over 16 minutes long

Fixed in Studio 9.0.4 from 9.0.2

Fixes sluggishness on some computers

Fixed in Studio 9.0.2

Fixed audio/video plug in effects missing if Studio installed other than C:
Sony DW-U14A, DRU-510A recognized
Extraido de:
Un camino de mil kilómetros comienza con un solo paso.


En el 9.3.0

Several causes of rendering hangs have been solved
Several causes of failure to compile have been solved
MPEG encoder improvements
Solved AV Sync problem that could occur when editing transitions between stills and video clips


:o  ¡¡ y eso que puse las letras de la cita en sub !!
Un camino de mil kilómetros comienza con un solo paso.

Nunca seré un buen mago porque cuento mis trucos.  ::)

He usado la típica herramienta del navegador. Edición>Buscar en esta página...  "RENDER". Localizar las frases ha sido fácil.   :jiji: :jiji:

renderizar ,renderiza pero solo hasta la primera transicion, yo tengo instalado un pack de codecs de todo tipo en el window media, a eso te refieres ?
de todas formas voy a ver si me descargo el parche, por cierto de ingles estoy cortito.
gracias a los dos , luego os cuento.


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