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combustion y xp x64

Iniciado por kinyy, 22 de Mayo de 2008, 16:54:48

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Hola sabeis si combustion va bien con xp x64? merece la pena instalarlo?Gracias Saludos.


Por lo que he leido hay gente que lo usa, lo único que hay que tocar una opción del Quick Time

CitarRe: Combustion 2008 with Windows XP 64 Bit. Render to quicktime or .AVI settings?
by Gonzalo Varela on Mar 1, 2008 at 3:40:14 am

I was use Windows x64 from about 2 years now. Just because y can assingn 100% of memory in catching option in Combustion. That´s gimme a pretty 3.71GB of cache, the max. for a 32bit program like C4. And the rest of applications still can use the memory C4 can´t see. My system have 6gb of ram.
But, yes, QuickTime in x64 is a pain! All versions from 7, gimme hard work to configure.
My best solution for the crash problem in Quicktime is:
Open Control Panel, click on "view x86 icons", click on the QT icon, this opens QuickTime Preferences.
In the "Advanced" tab, select "Safe mode (GDI only)".
That´s it. Maybe a problem with DirectX acceleration, maybe just for nVidia cards (like my case) or maybe just in my particular configuration. But works for me!
Good luck!
"May the FOURCC be with you..."


Gracias Zeros ,quiero ponerlo esta noche a ver como va aunque tengo algun que otro reparo,ya veremos que pasa.Saludos.


¿Pero que vas a poner, el combustion o el XP64?
"May the FOURCC be with you..."


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