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Hay que hacer algo para habilitar cuda de la tarjeta gráfica??

Iniciado por vitri, 01 de Diciembre de 2011, 13:17:23

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Hola me he cambiado el pc i ahora tengo una gtx 570 he estado probando con cs5 y en la previsualizacion si me parece que ha mejorado pero en el renderizado no me parece que el cambio se haya notado mucho y tengo un i7 2700k y por eso no se si se debe modificar algo de el programa o del pc para aprovechar al máximo la gráfica y el procesador. Espero haberme explicado correctamente.

Gracias y un saludo!!


En algunos foros dice que se tiene que hacer lo siguiente, si tu tarjeta no esta en la lista.
La que tengo yo (GTX260) no está en la lista. Lo hago y funciona.

I figured out how to activate CUDA acceleration without a GTX 285 or Quadro... I'm pretty sure it should work with other 200 GPUs. Note that i'm using 2 monitors and there's a extra tweak to play with CUDA seamlessly with 2 monitors.

Here are the steps:

Step 1. Go to the Premiere CS5 installation folder.
Step 2. Find the file "GPUSniffer.exe" and run it in a command prompt (cmd.exe). You should see something like that:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
Device: 00000000001D4208 has video RAM(MB): 896
Device: 00000000001D4208 has video RAM(MB): 896
Vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer string: GeForce GTX 295/PCI/SSE2
Version string: 3.0.0

OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
OpenGL Version 2.0
Supports shaders!
Supports BGRA -> BGRA Shader
Supports VUYA Shader -> BGRA
Supports UYVY/YUYV ->BGRA Shader
Supports YUV 4:2:0 -> BGRA Shader
Testing for CUDA support...
Found 2 devices supporting CUDA.
CUDA Device # 0 properties -
CUDA device details:
Name: GeForce GTX 295 Compute capability: 1.3
Total Video Memory: 877MB
CUDA Device # 1 properties -
CUDA device details:
Name: GeForce GTX 295 Compute capability: 1.3
Total Video Memory: 877MB
CUDA Device # 0 not choosen because it did not match the named list of cards
Completed shader test!
Internal return value: 7
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

If you look at the last line it says the CUDA device is not chosen because it's not in the named list of card. That's fine. Let's add it.

Step 3. Find the file: "cuda_supported_cards.txt" and edit it and add your card (take the name from the line: CUDA device details: Name: GeForce GTX 295 Compute capability: 1.3

So in my case the name to add is: GeForce GTX 295

Step 4. Save that file and we're almost ready.

Step 5. Go to your Nvidia Drivercontrol panel (im using the latest 197.45) under "Manage 3D Settings", Click "Add" and browse to your Premiere CS5 install directory and select the executable file: "Adobe Premiere Pro.exe"

Step 6. In the field "multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration" switch from "multiple display performance mode" to "compatibilty performance mode"

Step 7. That's it. Boot Premiere and go to your project setting / general and activate CUDA

Hope this helps


Gracias por responder hay algun paso que no habia echo. Probare si ahora funciona mejor de todas formas en la previsualizacion si he notado un gran cambio y practicamente sin renderizar puedo verlo perfecto.



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