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Mensajes - Aghu

Edición de vídeo (general) / Re:Añadir titulos
25 de Febrero de 2004, 23:47:32
No puedo crear un Avi, puesto que el memoriesontv solo te deja generar en mpg o m2v, asi que editare el m2v, porque pasarlo a Avi seria una burrada y luego de editarlo otra vez a mpg verdad?

que sotfware me aconsejas para la edicion con una dv500.

otra pregunta aun no tengo puesta la dv500, puedo editar sin ninguna tarjeta capturadora?

Edición de vídeo (general) / Añadir titulos
25 de Febrero de 2004, 22:41:27
He creado un montaje con el Memoriesontv y ahora quiero añadirle titulos o frases en algunas fotos con un programa de edicion.

Tengo el ficheri en. M2V , se puede editar en este formto? y que programa de edicion me aconsejais para esto, solo voy a añadir texto nada mas, pero quiero que sean creativos mas o menos.

una vez editado el M2v que hago lo salvo o hay que exportarlo en otro formato para el DVD.?

DVD y Blu-ray (general) / Re:DVD Philips 711
25 de Febrero de 2004, 20:37:16
Debe ser un 711 mas moderno, porque ni los Princos va, de hecho probe con un Princo-r la primera vez y nada.

NAda a usar los + en mi caso
Lo unico que he encontrado asi imparcial a priori habalando de estas dos tarjetas es esto, aunque esta en ingles se entiende bien teniendo cierto nivel....creo que me comprare la Matrox, aunque en este informe parece mejor la de Canopus, pero es mas cara, ademas que la unica que da 600 euros por tu anterior capturadora es Matrox, por lo qu epor  599 + Iva me cambiare a Matrox, asi y todo si alguien quiere opinar, que este post y parece un monologo.


The "Only? Unbiased Canopus DV Storm vs. Matrox RT.X100 Comparison

The RT.X100 has real-time scan and capture.

The RT.X100 offers real-time MPEG-2 out of the box. It also supports .m2v MPEG-2 export. Canopus (obviously feeling a lot of pressure from the RTX.100) has an offer for a free StormEncoder. It's free. The StormEncoder has better quality than hardware encoding of the RT.X100. Canopus SoftEncoder has better quality than the Ligos Encoder. Realtime encoding to MPEG2 and MPEG1 are supported as is the option to have a program stream or separate elementary streams.

The RT.X100 has frame accurate DV insert editing. DVStorm claims to have frame accurate DV insert editing but apparently, most people can't get it to work.

The RT.X100 has TurboDV which delivers very-fast DV output rendering when you exceed the real-time capabilities of the card. The DV Storm doesn't have a fancy name for their very fast rendering but it's effectively the same.

The RT.X100 has a realtime DV AVI file output. The DVStorm's realtime DV output is only via firewire.

The RT.X100 offers a huge selection of real-time, fully customizable 3D effects. The effects can be applied as filters or as transitions. However, only two streams are supported. The DVStorm includes the RT3D which delivers only a select group of 3D effects. The DVStorm also include Xplode Basics which offers a good selection of real-time, fully customizable 3D effects. Storm's 3D effects allow for multiple video streams, up to 6 in some of them. Also, Xplode supports the importing of 3D models and props generated from Lightwave. Xplode is also fully anti-aliased and support the overscan region properly.

The RT.X100 delivers field-based speed change which looks substantially better than competing products. The Storm delivers field-based speed change that looks substantially better than competing products and they've had this feature for about 2 years now.

The RT.X100 delivers time-lapse capture and has integrated support for Premiere's stop motion capture. The Storm does not have time-lapse cpature.

The RT.X100 delivers advanced real-time chroma/luma-keying. It offers spill suppression, shadow preservation and has a "Auto" button that makes chroma-keying easy for anyone. The Storm also has real-time chroma/luma-keying with an "auto" button to make keying easy for anyone. The Storm support masking of just the area of interest whereas the RT.X100 must key the whole frame.

The RT.X100 delivers advanced color correction with an "Auto" button that simplifies the process. It also supports a Final Cut Pro-like three-way color correction. Both the Storm and RTX do color correction in native YUV color space. The Storm also includes the vectorscope and waveform scope to assist in colour correction. Also, the Storm has the option to only colour correct a portion of the screen.

The RT.X100 has what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) support for third-party products like Adobe After Effects, NewTek LightWave and 3D Studio Max. The RT.X100 offers real-time support for a variety of character generation tools including Premiere Titling, Title Express, Title Motion, Title Deko and more. DV Storm also includes WYSIWYG for After Effects and supports Premiere Titling, Title Deko, (basically anything that's supported by Premiere.) It does not have WYSIWYG for Lightwave and 3D Studio Max.

The RT.X100 accelerates batch exporting in a variety of standard formats including Real and Windows Media formats. DVStorm also includes export of Real and Windows Media formats (without the need for Procoder.)

There is no 4GB file limit for files captured with the RT.X100 unlike the DVStorm. And if you do long form editing, this is an unnecessary pain that Canopus should have fixed long time ago. As a consolation, Canopus has a seamless capture feature where it breaks the files into 4G chunks as you capture.

Both cards have realtime MPEG2 capturing, but the Canopus software has never worked properly because of a bug in Mediacruise that causes the lipsync to slowly drift.

The DVStorm has onboard analog video and audio capture. The RT.X100 captures analog audio using the sound card. Lipsync issues have occurred in odd cases, however, with SP1, it appears that this problem is a non-issue with the RTX.

The DVStorm offers 5 fairly limited real-time streams whereas the RT.X100 is capable of 2 very flexible video streams.

The DVStorm offers over 20 real-time graphics layers with a number of preset transitions whereas the RT.X100 is capapble of 2 very flexible graphics layers.

The realtime stackability of the DVStorm scales linearly with CPU power. The RT.X100 currently does not significantly scale with CPU, if at all.

The realtime 3D stackability of the DVStorm scales with the video card processing power. The RT.X100 3D is currently limited to the onboard 3D processor.

RT.X100 uses a rendered Quicktime clip for their "film effect". DVStorm has a true, realtime "old movie/film" effect which is truely randomly generated and very customizable.

RT.X100 is lower in cost than the DVStorm.

RT.X100 requires more CPU power than the DVStorm when 3D is excluded. When 3D is included, the DVStorm requires a fairly high-end video card to keep most of it's 3D effects realtime for more than 10s.

The video codec quality on the DVStorm is better than RT.X100, thus the quality of say a photo montage looks better with the DVStorm.

RT.X100 emulates all the standard Premiere transitions. DVStorm does not do the native Premiere transitions in realtime. It adds it's own "Canopus" specific transitions which are realtime.

RT.X100 uses Adobe Premiere exclusively. Canopus has CanopusEdit in addition to Adobe Premiere. Canopus supports VideoVegas in some of their newer products, but currently not the Storm. (If only Canopus would just switch to VV3.)

RT.X100 has an excellent Matrox forum where Matrox staff answer just about every question. Canopus can't seem to figure out what they want to do with their forum and posts on the Canopus forum are not guaranteed to get a response from Canopus if a forum did actually exist. (As of last week, there is no "official Canopus forum") When there is a Canopus forum the "official policy? is to not post tech support questions to the forum. ie. Call or email Canopus directly.

Customer satisfaction appears to be increasing with Matrox whereas it would appear to me, to be decreasing with Canopus.

Matrox is Canadian and Canopus is Japanese

Extraido de
Nadie tiene en este foro entonces la Matrox X100 Xtrem Pro o la Canopus DVStorm2 Pro?

para que me aconseje por una o por otra?

Vegas Pro / Re:que capturadora para trabajar en Vegas
24 de Febrero de 2004, 02:15:15
Me referia  a que por ejemplo la dv500 va con premiere, la DvStorm2 de Canupus va con Edius o premiere, las tarjatas de pinnacle van con sus programas Editon..etcc..La Matrox x100 va con el premiere pro

a lo mejor hay una tarjeta para VEGA o no lo se.
NUKERO decias mas arrib que ..."Yo tuve el mismo problema y tuve que meter todo mi proyecto dentro de los márgenes de seguridad de los Televisores..."

como se hace eso, metistes todo tu montaje dentro de los limites???
Compresión y formatos de vídeo / Re:.m2v y TMPGEnc
22 de Febrero de 2004, 01:47:01
nukero la matrox esa tiene entradas analogicas?
DVD y Blu-ray (general) / DVD MxOnda duda!
21 de Febrero de 2004, 04:23:24
Mi padre con esto de los puntos del BCSH le dieron un cine en casa, en fin el DVD de esta marca en salida de video vienen dos RGB y Y B Cr o algo RGB se ve los contrastes muy fuertes y la otra se ve como apagado, que diferencia hay, cual es el estandar, cual es mejor.

Alguna ayuda.
...Viendo foros de aqui y extranjeros veo que sobre todo la lucha esta entre Matrox x100 y Canopus DVstorm2.

Las dos dicen en sus paginas webs que la otra es mucho peor y se ponen mil ejemplos.

Yo estoy por cambiar mi dv500 por la matrox, pero no se, es complicado, las dos pueden usar premiere, pero creo que Premiere Pro va mejor para matrox.

Ademas por 600 euros creo que consigo la matrox entregando la dv500pero no se si sera la XPRO (que es la que captura mpg en tiempo real)..en fin es un lio todo, habra que llamar a las casas oficiales de venta en españa de cada producto,

La DVSTORM2 ademas puede utilizar el software propio Edius  pero creo que cuesta 1600 Euros esta de Canopus, por 1200 estimo el valor de la Matrox sin saber de cierto. Me supongo que por estos precios las dos capturaran de fuentes analogicas no?

Por que tarjeta os decantais en el foro. Supongo que el software esta claro el Premiere. Aunque hablan bien del Vega, es poco conocido y pocos foros que te saquen del atolladero, pero dicen que es mas intuitivo... como veis busco un software y una tarjeta para meterme de lleno en la edicion de video.
creo que solo se puede comprar en, pero no te dan precio solo rellenando un formulario de consulta y aun no han contestado.

Podre utilizar esta tarjeta en tiempo Real con Premiere, Edius Canopus y Vega por ejemplo
porque de Pinnacle seguro que no me imagino.

alguien la tiene.
No entiendo lo del Dvd del zoom, si ya se come video si encima hago un zoom en pantalla vere aun menos no?
y donde consigues esta actualizacion en
20 de Febrero de 2004, 08:58:08
Entonces la dv500 funciona (captura y hace cosas en Tiempo Real) con Studio 9 y Liquid Edition 5.5?
Vegas Pro / que capturadora para trabajar en Vegas
20 de Febrero de 2004, 08:45:59
Que capturadora funciona con Vegas y que haga cosas en tiempo Real?
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