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Mensajes - RyanTyler

Hi all 2 part question.
Got old footage I want to upgrade in a sense. Most of it is Mp4 with an upscale resolution of 1900 by 1080 but its not HD. These recordings came straight from the VCR to a raw AVI format and then converted later to MP4 to compress. I did this like 6 years ago or.

If I wanted to make this into a highly accessible but storable/sharable format, what would be the best route? Also all of these old videos suffer from the sound being extremely low. When playing from laptop via HDMI or mirror casted from Chrome-cast to my TV, the sound off the TV has to be raised to MAX and it still sounds faint. Should I amplify my sound by editing this in Adobe Premiere/Audition? I hate the idea of putting it in Premiere but if I can convert the video to an appropriate format while at the same time amplifying the sound that would save me some time.

Any program recommendations or should I just roll with Premiere Pro?
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