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Debugmode Frameserver

Iniciado por Zeros, 23 de Mayo de 2005, 20:36:52

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¿Alguno se anima a probar este servidor de video y comentarlo? (maikel tu no levantes la mano)

    * Free for both personal and commercial use.
    * Send audio/video data from your NLE to another application without doing a full render.
    * Saves a LOT of disk space and time when used with large projects.
    * Can serve video in 3 formats, RGB (RGB24), ARGB (RGB32) or YUY2.
      (YUY2 works only if the target application can accept direct YUY2 data, like CCE 2.67)
      (When serving from Adobe Premiere Pro, if the project elements are all in YUV then using YUY2 gives better quality than RGB serving because it saves two colourspace conversions)
    * Can serve audio directly to the target app, or can write the audio to the AVI file for better compatibility (if the target app has issues with served audio).
    * Frameserve between PCs over the network! Very useful if you have a farm of machines and a high speed network.
    * Plugins available for major NLEs from Sony, Adobe, Ulead, Pure Motion... support for other apps on the way.
    * No additional software to install/tune, very simple to install and use.

This version supports the following editing software. If you want FrameServer to support other NLEs, drop in a request at the Userforum.

    * Sony Vegas (and earlier Vegas Video/VideoFactory versions). - tested with Vegas 6.0/5.0/4.0, Vegas Video 3.0
    * Adobe Premiere 6 and above. - tested with Premiere 6.0/6.5
    * Adobe Premiere Pro/Premiere Elements. - tested with Premiere Pro 1.0/1.5/Elements 1.0
    * Ulead MediaStudio Pro - tested with MSP 7.0
    * Ulead VideoStudio - tested with VideoStudio 8.0
    * Pure Motion EditStudio - tested with EditStudio 4.1.3

"May the FOURCC be with you..."


a mi con vegas 6, cuelges brutales, tuve que desinstalarlo.
Un saludo
Un saludo.


Yo hace tiempo que lo uso y me va muy bien. Lo uso con Premiere Pro 1.5 y TMPGEnc 2.5 Plus, y hasta la fecha ningún problema.


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