
Imagen, Audio y Vídeo Digital => Edición de vídeo (general) => Vegas Pro => Mensaje iniciado por: PDB en 05 de Mayo de 2004, 11:10:00

Título: OT: Vegas a 7.000 m de altura...
Publicado por: PDB en 05 de Mayo de 2004, 11:10:00
Posteado por Timothy Duncan, moderador del foro de Vegas en DMN....(Lo siento pero no lo ha traducido). Buena prensa para el Vegas...! (y yo que tardo días en hacer un video con una sola cámara ...Estos filman, editan y emiten en cuestión de unas horillas..)

"Today I had the pleasure of editing a Sheryl Crow video on a United Airlines flight from Chicago to LA. Not only did the editing take place on the plane, but the performance was recorded as well. This concert in the sky was a shot on five Sony XDCam cameras then the discs were handed to me with less than an hour before landing. I was able to digitize five camera angles of almost five minutes each and do a multi-camera edit on my lap-top delivering a four and a half minute finished video on both DV and Hi-8 including showing the video to Sheryl for approval. Just after landing, the tape was uplinked via satellite as part of a huge press event for Sony Connect and United Airlines.
No one could believe that it could be done and delivered that quickly.

Then during the cab ride over to Sony Music for a grand finalle party, I did color correction on one of the camera angles and delivered a DVD that was shown during the party. Our team worked together very well to make this possible. Can you imagine a steadycam on a plane? Plus lights and portable sound system? It was amazing.

I'll post more details perhaps tomorrow.

Thanks to Vegas and Excalibur!

Keep your eyes open for some great press about this. Media was everywhere and there were many shots taken of Vegas running on my laptop."