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Mensajes - apatron

No tengo la placa, pero justamente estaba evaluando comprar la ADVC 110 y encontre esto en un review en amazon ( ... e&n=172282 ... e&n=172282 que pareceria ser la solucion a tu problema:

So far, all's good and wonderful right? Well, Canopus has a dark little secret that the manufacturer doesn't tell you. Canopus 110 has a small chip built in that detects when you're trying to transfer copyrighted material (such as a tape of a movie). If it detects it, a small red light comes on, and the footage you copy is black (As one review site said (in a very annoying way), "That'll teach you!"). If you have old movies that you want to copy to a DVD for personal use, this is bad news.

However, there is a way past this security feature, and it's built into the system. When you first turn Canopus on, simply press the select button down for roughly twenty seconds. Now the system will ignore copyright concerns, and you can copy all the movies you want, until you turn Canopus off. However, I don't recommend using this feature for illegal means.

resumiendo... cuando la prendes presiona el boton select por 20 segundos y teoricamente el sistema ignora el copyright.
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